Fanny Paradis

Fanny is mainly involved in corporate acquisitions, sales and restructuring, and in structuring management packages.

She assists investment funds, listed and unlisted companies and their management teams.


  • Associate in Frieh, Brault & Associés since 2022


  • Master II Criminal Financial Law, CY Cergy Paris Université (2020)
  • Master I Business Law, Université Paris Saclay (2019)

Examples of deals on which Fanny Paradis was involved include

  • 2023: Fanny advised the founders of the DFM group on the acquisition of an equity stake by new financial investors
  • 2023: Fanny advised HappyPal on two fund raisings involving business angels and investment funds.
  • 2023: Fanny advised the Federation Studios group on the acquisition of a majority stake in the capital of GO-N Productions from its historical partners.
  • 2023: Fanny advised the Federation Studios group and its top managers on the group’s capital restructuring, refinancing of its existing debt and drawing down of a new debt.
  • 2023: Fanny advised the Herez Signature group and its top managers on the acquisition of a majority stake in the capital of Partners Patrimoine from its historical partners
  • 2022: Fanny advised the Herez Signature group and its top managers on the restructuring the Herez group
  • 2022: Fanny advised the founders of the CreaCard (MyPCS) group on the acquisition of an equity stake by new finance investors.